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"Connecting and bringing awareness to our deep desires is a gift we give to ourselves."


Connect experience is a workshop that gives you the space to do it through meditation, painting and photography.


Meditation session


Meditation Journey

Through meditation, we reconnect with our inner child, giving them a voice to express. Collecting the experience lived in words and phrases.



In the second part of the workshop, we delve into the world of colours! Choosing colours that represent us or those we saw during the meditation journey to create our designs. 


Camera time

When the ligth is on, we allow our inner child to play and have fun in front of the camera, in a safe and welcome space.

If you are interested in having this experience, please feel free to express your interest by email.

What they say

Eliana A.

"El taller me pareció super lindo y divertido, se nota que está pensado con mucho amor. 
Pongo en estas palabras mi experiencia:

Cerrando los ojos para buscar adentro, descubrí que cuando siento cosquillas en la panza es mi niña interior señalando el camino."


"I found the workshop super nice and fun, it has been thought with a lot of love.

I put my experience in these words:
Closing my eyes to look inside, I discovered that when I feel tickles in my belly it is my inner child pointing the way."

Connect experience, art and photography workshop

For  CONNECT Experience workshop interest please fill the form below:

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